Como separar objetos individuales en keyshot 7
Como separar objetos individuales en keyshot 7

como separar objetos individuales en keyshot 7

Select a part in the list and click the name again, to rename the part.Pese a su reducido tamaño, el mihrab cordobés posee una gran originalidad, ya que con anterioridad a esta construcción los modelos existentes se reducían a pequeñas hornacinas abiertas en el muro de la qibla.Click Split all – depending on the splitting method, a number of new surfaces will now appear in the list.Select the part to split (will be shown with an orange outline in the preview).Select the part in the list and click the name again, to rename the part.Click Split Object – now you will see one more part in the Parts list.Hold Ctrl/Cmd while selecting to select multiple parts that will be split out in one object. Select the part you want to split out as a separate object by clicking in the preview – your selection will be highlighted in green.You can either split one object out from the part or split the part into all the original parts it was modeled as.Select a part and launch the Split Separate Objects tool, via the Tools section in the Ribbon, or via the context menu in the Real-time View.The Split Separate Objects Tool enables you to split up objects that were originally modeled separately, but inside KeyShot are perceived as one.

como separar objetos individuales en keyshot 7

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  • como separar objetos individuales en keyshot 7

    Client Error: Unsupported KeyShot Version.Server Error: Invalid Mac Address (HostID).

    Como separar objetos individuales en keyshot 7