The AI will attempt to maintain the 'Route Speed' as closely as possible, no slower, no faster (where negotiable). The 'Route Speed' is the maximum speed that the AI will consider. 'Route Speed' will not impact the AI's speed preferences.

In Lane: C/O Drivability: The minimum drivability that a road must possess for the AI to consider using it for a route.Speed, cornering speed, acceleration, etcetera, are limited or exaggerated by this setting. Risk: Determines the risks that the AI takes.Stopping: The car will stop until you tell it to chase you or flee from you.Good if you want to simulate a police chase. Flee: The AI will try and flee from you.Follow: The AI will follow where you go without hitting you.Chase: The AI will try and chase you until your engine blows.The waypoint is defined by the entry in the ' Target' field. Manual: The vehicle will travel toward a pre-selected, fixed waypoint.Like random, but has more variety in its path. However, the vehicle will tend to travel toward areas it hasn't before.

Span: The vehicle will travel semi-randomly.Random: The AI will start driving in a random direction.The AI will not do anything until you command it to. You can enable AI by dragging the app out of the app menu. This page is under construction.It may contain outdated, irrelevant, or false information.ĪI is a setting in the game which allows Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive a car for you.